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Tuesday, October 9, 2007

NavCon Conference ~ Podcasting and other observations

Drove over to the NavCon Conference venue to prepare for my first workshop. It was podcasting and vodcasting. Now, to podcast you need ftp access. There was none available at the venue and I had to set up a server on my laptop and ftp to that. It was a little frustrating but the workshop went reasonably well. I demonstrated three methods for creating a podcast on the Macintosh.

GarageBand~iWeb combination
Quicktime~Podcast Maker combination
PowerPoint~ProfCast combination

Each method has its merits however I prefer the second and third options. You can produce a podcast/vodcast rapidly with the last two combinations. There are a number of Macintosh diehards that believe that one should always use the GarageBand and iWeb combination to produce podcasts. In fact there is a hard core group of Mac diehards that believe only Apple applications should be used when working on a Macintosh. That is a little extreme. I find that they are out of touch with reality.

Regarding the preference for using GarageBand~iWeb I tend to disagree as not many teachers have the time to work with such tools. There are two many variables to digest and if they do not possess a .Mac account they need to master additional elements of ftp as well. I have been a Mac user since February 1984. I also teach in the classroom. I am aware of the demands placed upon classroom teachers. Technology is a tool that can be used to facilitate learning. It should not get in the way. Sure, give the students a quick demo of GarageBand and iWeb and let them run with the apps. If you are a teacher that likes to publish then ProfCast is to the tool for you.

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Name: John Larkin
Occupation: Educator
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