Web 2.0 Links and Resources for Teachers
My Web 2.0 workshop page was becoming cluttered with links so a dedicated Web 2.0 links page was born. I have attempted to categorise the links according to the following questions:
What is Web 2.0?
Where can I find some Web 2.0 tools?
What are blogs and how do they work?
What is a wiki? How do they work?
What is podcasting? How can I use it with my students?
What will happen after Web 2.0?
I also tidied up the resources for teachers that are available for download from the Web 2.0 workshop web page.
If you have a favourite Web 2.0 link or tool that you would like to share please add a comment. It would be much appreciated.
Labels: Technology, Web 2.0
John, you might want to add
(i) www.shelfari.com - promotion tool for literacy, sharing of books, etc ... good for english (any languages) literature or reading classes. basically book sharing
(ii)www.xtimeline.com - sharing timeline events ...good for historical tracks, geograpical events or project milestones ...
Wonderful tools for a teachers that blog a lots on their subject that they are teaching ...
Shouldn't this list be in a wiki? ;)
Kenneth and Hazman, thank you for your comments.
Hazman, I have added your recommendations to the page as well as an acknowledgment.
Kenneth, I know I should and could use a Wiki for the links yet at this stage I find I can produce more elegant pages using Dreamweaver. Please allow me that sweet indulgence.
Cheers, John.
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